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Datamonkey Server >> Datamonkey bugs >> Problem with BSR ?

Message started by DoCo on Dec 13th, 2012 at 11:55pm

Title: Problem with BSR ?
Post by DoCo on Dec 13th, 2012 at 11:55pm
A few weeks ago, I performed a BSR analysis (18 sequences with 164 sites) and I found 6 branches under episodic diversifying selection. This was consistent with MEME analysis which found 18 sites with evidence of episodic diversifying selection. More recently, I performed the same analysis with some rearrangements of the data (more or less sequences, more sites) but BSR found no branches under episodic diversifying selection. Intrigued, I performed again the first analysis and this time BSR found no branches under episodic diversifying selection. So I wondered if there is a problem with BSR recently ?
Thanks !

Title: Re: Problem with BSR ?
Post by DoCo on Dec 19th, 2012 at 8:15am
Hi again,
I performed the same BSR analysis on my computer and I found 6 branches under episodic diversifying selection as in my first datamonkey analysis. So I tried again to run the analysis on datamonkey, but still no branches under selection were found. So it looks like there is a problem with BSR on the server ?

Title: Re: Problem with BSR ?
Post by Sergei on Dec 20th, 2012 at 9:52am
Hi Dominique,

Can you send me the ID of your Datamonkey analysis (upload.1.xxxx)?


Title: Re: Problem with BSR ?
Post by DoCo on Dec 21st, 2012 at 1:46am
Here it is :


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