YaBB Newbies
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Hi Sergei, I tried to register in bugzilla but never received the password, so here goes the bug(?)
When using datedtipmolecularclock, if i repeat twice and sucessively the same analysis I get different results. Even if I kill all the information that may reside in the console and object inspector. If I close the programme and reopen and reload the data I get the same values as the first time. An example of the resulst is below. Thanks for any clues. Gustavo
HYPHY 0.9920070130beta(MP) for Windows (Win32) console saved on Tue Feb 6 17:39:26 2007
Loaded 23 model templates from C:\Programas\HYPHY_Win32\SubstitutionModels Loaded 12 genetic code tables from C:\Programas\HYPHY_Win32\GeneticCodes One Intel x86 architecture processor detected
Please cite S.L. Kosakovsky Pond, S. D. W. Frost and S.V. Muse. (2005) HyPhy: hypothesis testing using phylogenies. Bioinformatics 21: 676-679 if you use HyPhy in a publication If you are a new HyPhy user, the tutorial located at may be a good starting point.
---- RUNNING MOLECULAR CLOCK ANALYSIS WITH DATED TIPS---- The underlying methodology developed by Andrew Rambaut is discussed in Bioinformatics 16(4): 395-399 The following data was read: 10 species:{199_23_2006,199_26_2006,212_15_2006,196_13_2006,212_8_2006,196_1_2004,2 11_32_2004,211_13_2006,212_16_2006,15_118_1995}; Total Sites:630; Distinct Sites:15 What units are the dates measured in (e.g. months)? This is only used for reporting the results.y Read the following dates: 199_23_2006: 2006 y 199_26_2006: 2006 y 212_15_2006: 2006 y 211_13_2006: 2006 y 15_118_1995: 1995 y 211_32_2004: 2004 y 196_13_2006: 2006 y 212_8_2006: 2006 y 212_16_2006: 2006 y 196_1_2004: 2004 y
CPU time taken: 0.047 seconds.
*-----------------------------------------------------------* RESULTS WITHOUT THE CLOCK: Log Likelihood = -972.184380018069; Shared Parameters: R=0.198097
Tree givenTree=(((((199_23_2006:0.00158835,199_26_2006:0.00318115)Node4:0,212_15_2006 :0.00158823)Node3:0,(211_13_2006:0.00158804,15_118_1995:3.45099e-31)Node8:3.4509 9e-31)Node2:3.45099e-31,(211_32_2004:3.45099e-31,(196_13_2006:0.00318414,212_8_2 006:0.00318453)Node13:0)Node11:0)Node1:3.45099e-31,212_16_2006:0.0031839,196_1_2 004:0.00476653); *-----------------------------------------------------------*
RESULTS WITH DATED TIPS CLOCK: Log-likelihood: -976.163122950982 CPU time taken: 0.188 seconds.
-2(Ln Likelihood Ratio)=7.95749 Constrained parameters:8 Asymptotic p-value:0.437634 Tree with branch lengths scaled in y: (((((199_23_2006:1523.12,199_26_2006:1523.12):0,212_15_2006:1523.12):0,(211_13_2 006:1141.35,15_118_1995:1130.35):381.766):0,(211_32_2004:1521.12,(196_13_2006:15 23.12,212_8_2006:1523.12):0):0):379.086,212_16_2006:1902.2,196_1_2004:1900.2)
Root of the tree placed at 103.796(95% CI: -883.329,786.737) y
Substitution rate estimated at 1.3911e-06(95% CI: 0.000785508,0.00225791) subs per y per site
---- RUNNING MOLECULAR CLOCK ANALYSIS WITH DATED TIPS---- The underlying methodology developed by Andrew Rambaut is discussed in Bioinformatics 16(4): 395-399 The following data was read: 10 species:{199_23_2006,199_26_2006,212_15_2006,196_13_2006,212_8_2006,196_1_2004,2 11_32_2004,211_13_2006,212_16_2006,15_118_1995}; Total Sites:630; Distinct Sites:15 What units are the dates measured in (e.g. months)? This is only used for reporting the results.y Read the following dates: 199_23_2006: 2006 y 199_26_2006: 2006 y 212_15_2006: 2006 y 211_13_2006: 2006 y 15_118_1995: 1995 y 211_32_2004: 2004 y 196_13_2006: 2006 y 212_8_2006: 2006 y 212_16_2006: 2006 y 196_1_2004: 2004 y
CPU time taken: 0 seconds.
*-----------------------------------------------------------* RESULTS WITHOUT THE CLOCK: Log Likelihood = -979.601279953959; Shared Parameters: R=1
Tree givenTree=(((((199_23_2006:0.000788578,199_26_2006:0.00158065)Node4:1.83076e-07, 212_15_2006:0.000788715)Node3:3.6469e-07,(211_13_2006:0.000789429,15_118_1995:7. 43913e-31)Node8:7.43913e-31)Node2:7.43913e-31,(211_32_2004:7.43913e-31,(196_13_2 006:0.00118462,212_8_2006:0.00118462)Node13:0.000395601)Node11:1.03077e-06)Node1 :7.43913e-31,212_16_2006:0.00158193,196_1_2004:0.00237528); *-----------------------------------------------------------*
RESULTS WITH DATED TIPS CLOCK: Log-likelihood: -976.156867934826 CPU time taken: 0.172 seconds.
-2(Ln Likelihood Ratio)=-6.88882 Constrained parameters:8 Asymptotic p-value:1 Tree with branch lengths scaled in y: (((((199_23_2006:937.422,199_26_2006:937.422):0,212_15_2006:937.422):0,(211_13_2 006:702.769,15_118_1995:691.769):234.652):0,(211_32_2004:935.422,(196_13_2006:93 7.422,212_8_2006:937.422):0):0):242.507,212_16_2006:1179.93,196_1_2004:1177.93)
Root of the tree placed at 826.072(95% CI: 220.571,1248.19) y
Substitution rate estimated at 2.25987e-06(95% CI: 0.0012726,0.00366052) subs per y per site