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Parse error when trying to run FEL or IFEL with GARD trees (Read 3229 times)
YaBB Newbies

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Parse error when trying to run FEL or IFEL with GARD trees
Mar 30th, 2012 at 5:16am
Hi there

I'm getting an error when I try and run IFEL or FEL with the 'GARD Inferred Trees' as the tree input.  The run seems to start but then I get this message 'Parse error: parse error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/DataMonkey/spool/upload.451850637410626.1_ifel.php on line 32'. 

I have tried running the same file using the NJ tree and this runs fine.  So, I suspect it is to do specifically with the GARD input (?)  Huh.  This has happened on three separate days that I have tried to run these analyses, so it doesn't seem to be an intermittent issue.  And the error is always on line 32.

Please help.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Parse error when trying to run FEL or IFEL with GARD trees
Reply #1 - Apr 8th, 2012 at 7:41pm
Hi Sarah,

Sorry for not responding sooner. I fixed the issue that was causing this behavior (hopefully!). Please try your analysis again and let me know if the error persists.

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YaBB Newbies

Feed your monkey!

Posts: 2
Re: Parse error when trying to run FEL or IFEL with GARD trees
Reply #2 - Apr 13th, 2012 at 2:30am
Hi Sergei

I have managed to rerun the analysis - it worked fine  Cool.

Thank you for fixing the issue.
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